Thursday, October 28, 2010

It's Been A While

So as you can see I'm sure you can tell it has been a while since I have actually posted something on my Blog. Right now I am thinking about how awesome God is and wanted to encourage you to look and see where you are in life and see how God can move you further in to His plan for you.

I don't care if you are at a mountain top experience right now or going through one of the darkest valleys you have every been in. I want you to look and find God in whatever season you are in right now. I have been encouraged by our speaker in chapel this past week to see in the dark times what isn't always visible in the light. He made the point that in the day light we can see only the sun and what is in front of us on earth. However, when it is dark out we are able to see the moon and also we are able to see the greatness of God's creation beyond the earth.

The darkness may feel like God is extremely far away and no where to be found but it is in those times that God is allowing us to see how great and awesome he is. All we need to do is trust Him to bring us through those things we are facing.

My prayer today is that you take time to THANK God for where you are in your walk. The great times that are happening, remember them and hold on to them for later on when you may be faced with trials. And for the trials, praise God for them because He is merely testing your faith so that you can prove to Him the greatness of your love and devotion to His call on your life.

Be encouraged today as you move along in your journey with Christ. Remember he is always there for you, He may have simply stepped away for a moment to pray for you.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Rack, Shack, and Benny

In my time of reading I have begun to look at the book of Daniel. So far, this book is spectacular, just in case you hadn't looked at it yet. I know that most people who have been in church have heard the testimony of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. I know that I have. But upon reading their story again this morning in my devotional time, it was made new to me. As I began reading I was finishing the story before I had even gotten in to it knowing that God spares these men from the imminent death of the furnace. However, I decided to slow down and look more intently at what God was saying through their testimony.

These three men were brought before the king of the land and were facing a large challenge. They were asked to renounce their belief in their God and to worship this golden image before them. if they were to choose their God over the man made image they were surely going to face death. But what did these guys do? Without even a second thought they immediately replied to this threat from the king by saying "we do not need to defend ourselves before you in this matter. If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to save us from it, and he will rescue us from your hand, O king. But even if he does not, we want you to know, O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up."

Now that statement was nothing but faith. These guys were standing in front of the most powerful person in their world and were being threatened with death. But what did they do? they stood firm in their belief, faith, and trust in the almighty God of heaven. As the story proceeds we see the three men thrown in to the fire yet are unharmed. That cannot be taken lightly knowing that the men who had thrown them in had died when exposed to the immense flames of the furnace.

I am greatly encouraged by this narrative. We walk through our days with very little if any testing of our faith before man. We are highly blessed in this but we take it for granted. God has called us in to His kingdom and now expects us to profess our faith in Him. We are not threatened with death because of our faith. We are able to possess this faith without worrying about our lives being taken from us. However, we shy away from professing our faith. Why is that? Why are we so afraid of letting people know we are followers of Christ? the only thing that we are faced with in exclaiming our faith is the rejection of people. It is not ourselves that they are rejecting but it is the one whom we profess. In that case we need not to be selfish and say "O well that person doesn't like me,"But we should be praying in turn that God will do a work on their heart and to soften their conscience so that they can experience the freedom and the grace that is within a love relationship with the Heavenly Father.

So my purpose of all this is for us to begin to have a passion for the God we serve. To make a stand for Him before all mankind. even when we are faced with adverse situations. These trials come to test our faith and our belief of who God is. when we persist in our way of living for God, He finds us worthy of honor. So let's take this story we may have heard hundreds of times before and live it out. Let us speak of how GREAT our God is in comparison to all the things of this world that fight for our attention. Let's go live a life dedicated to serving God and not ourselves, worrying more about the eternal positions of those around us and not our vapor-like being here on earth.

Let's profess our faith before all men so that through our actions God is glorified and not ourselves. Just as the king gave glory to God for His devoted protection of His servants Rack, Shack, and Benny.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Where are we going with our desires?

I really feel the need to ask the question: What are your desires for life and where are they going to take you?

Allow me to share a few words about myself concerning these questions.
Recently I have been blessed beyond anything I could have imagined when God began to give me the desires of my heart for my life. My ideas and wants for my ministry have slowly developed over the past year and a half but as soon as I knew what I wanted from my ministry God has given me more than I had ever expected so soon in my time of desire. I have wanted to minister anywhere God calls me or directs me since the time of my calling to youth. I had no clue that it would potentially involve my home area. God has placed in my heart a love and passion to serve the youth of the nation in whatever way he lead me. God has now given me the opportunity to work with an amazing group of people this summer in which we are starting a new church. I can't believe that God has found me able to do such a great task. But at the same time, this is the desire I have been having grow within my being for the past 18 months.

Now I write this not to boast about what God has done for me but I write this to encourage you to seek God and find out what He desires of you concerning the Desires you have. So What I am saying is begin to focus your desires and your wants for your life around the things of God and seek Him in all things and ask Him to give unto you the Godly desires to see His kingdom advanced through your desires. because when we focus our whole being and hold nothing from Him, that is when He will begin to see that you are serious about what you are asking for and He will give unto you more than you ever imagined possible when you started having those desires. The things He has given to me and in the time He has given me is humbling and astonishing.

So I encourage you, and myself, to continue seeking Him and ask Him to give you the desires of your heart and remember to keep Him as the center of these desires. After that, just sit back and watch what He does for you. I can guarantee you will be blown away not only by His faithfulness but also to the vastness of what He give unto you.

I encourage you to read Psalm 37 and let God speak to you through this passage. Below is a link to of that passage.

Take heart ad be encouraged in Christ today and allow Him to work in you and through you in all things.

Love you all and God Bless!

Friday, January 22, 2010

His Love For Us

So I was told by Rachel (my girlfriend) to read some passages in Isaiah just tonight. So when i think of Isaiah I am automatically drawn to Chapter 53:4-5. These verses are so amazing when we actually read them in light of the Gospel of Jesus. This chapter addresses the "suffering servant" of God. We can look back at it as a prophecy of what was to come through Jesus Christ. If you are not familiar with the passage it reads:

"Surely he took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows, yet we considered him stricken by God, smitten by him, and afflicted. But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for out iniquities, the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed." - Isaiah 53:4-5

This verse shows the love that God has for us. He sent His son to earth to bare the punishment which we all deserve for our sins. But thanks to the grace of God and His love for His people and His creation we do not have to go through the punishment deserved for our sinful nature. Through Christ we are cleansed of our sins. We are no longer bound to those wretched acts. We are totally separated from our former way of living when we come in to a relationship with Jesus.

I don't know about you, but that makes me want to love Him. The fact that God has given us a way to escape the beating, and bleeding, and dying because of things we have done is just astounding to me. We do not deserve to be free from those things. But God has allowed us to through the gift of his son's actions on the cross and his resurrection. The more I think about this the more I'm reminded of how much I need to love God in return for the love He has shown me. I hope you too can enjoy the freedom of Loving God as He Loves You.

God Bless.


If you are here. Thanks for joining. This is all new for me. I'm not one to write a lot but I wanted to start. So this is me starting to write.

I am planning on writing some mini sermons/devotionals to post to share and they are mainly going to be directed at our need to Love. Loving God and Loving Others is what we are here for and I hope to encourage you all to Love more and more.

Looking forward to sharing my thoughts with you all and I hope you all enjoy.

God Bless.